This PDF document has a list with most of my publications. The most relevant to my research, and some that can be downloaded, are:
Östergren, Petra (2006).
Porr, horor och feminister (Porn,
Whores and Feminists). Natur och Kultur. Download Part One. Download Part Two.
Östergren, Petra, ed.
(2008). F-ordet. Mot en ny feminism.
(The F-Word: Towards a New Feminism). Alfabeta. Download the extra material that was published in the paperback edition.
Chapters in anthologies, reports
and essays
Östergren, Petra (1999). 'Västerländska tankedrag
som påverkat sexköpslagens förarbeten' ('The Influence of Western Ideas on the Preparatory Work leading up to the Sex Purchase Ban'). Undergraduate Dissertation, The Department for
Social Anthropology, Stockholm University (Unpublished).
Östergren, Petra (2003). 'Synden ideologiserad. Modern
svensk prostitutionspolicy som identitets- och trygghetsskapare' ('The Ideological Sin: The
Modern Swedish Prostitution Policy as Creating a Sense of Identity and Safety'). Master’s
Thesis, The Department for Social Anthropology, Stockholm University (Unpublished).
Petra (2006). 'Kvoteringar i jämställdhetens namn' ('Affirmative Action in the Name of Gender Equality'). In the anthology Samtida feminism (Contemporary
Feminism), ed. by Sofia Nerbrand. Axel and Margaret Ax:son Johnson Foundation.
Petra (2010). 'Att förstå prostitution' ('To Understand Prostitution'). In the
anthology Sexology, ed. by PO Lundberg and Lotta Löfgren-Mårtensson. Liber
Östergren, Petra (2012). 'Sexköp, mer än bara sex' ('The Purchase of Sex; More than just Sex'). In the anthology Privat på jobbet. Diskussioner om etik, lag och normer kring sexköp och porrkonsumtion (Private at Work: Discussions
about Ethics, Laws and Norms about Sex Purchase and Porn Consumption). KRUS – Swedish
Council for Strategic Human Resources.
Dodillet, Susanne and Östergren, Petra (2013). 'The Swedish Sex Purchase Act: Claimed Success and Documented Effects'. In Final Report of the International Comparative Study of Prostitution Policy: Austria and the Netherlands. ed. by Hendrik Wagenaar, Sietske Altink and Helga Amesberger. Platform 13. The Hague.
Susanne and Östergren, Petra (2012). 'Ley sueca sobre la compra de sexo:
presunto éxitos y resultados deomstrables'. In the anthology Prostitution:
hacia la legalización? ed. by Carolina Villacampa Estiarte. Tirant monografiás
783. Universitat de Lleida. Valencia.
Dodillet, Susanne and Östergren, Petra (2013). 'Das
Schwedische Sexkaufverbot. Beanspruchte erfollge und dokumntierte Effekte'. In
the anthology SexWork(s). Verbieten – erlauben-shützen? ed. by Elisabeth
Grief. Linzeer Schriften zur Frauenforschung 51. Johannes Kepler Universitat